
A Hot Start of Winter in Aloha State | 冬天里的一把火 @ 夏威夷欧胡岛

Typical Seattle winter is rainy, freezing and less-than-9-hour day length. That’s why for the 2nd consecutive Thanksgiving (San Diego for last year), we flew to somewhere sunnier and warmer. This time our destination was Oahu, Hawaii.


Day 1: SEA ✈️ HNL & Waikiki Beach | 西雅图 ✈️ 檀香山, 威基基海滩

Oahu is a relatively easy call for 1st time vacationer. We arrived at Honolulu in the afternoon and got our rental car – we later regretted we did it, because hotel parking wasn’t cheap, and we didn’t drive as much.


Aerial view before landing

Day 2: Polynesian Cultural Center | 波利尼西亚文化中心

Our second day was spent in Polynesian Cultural Center (PCC). It is a theme park with 6 Polynesian villages – Hawaii, Samoa, Tonga, Tahiti and Aotearoa.


The gate of PCC
We hop on a canoe tour | 我们也坐了一回独木舟

Day 3: Diamond Head | 钻石山

Our original plan for this day was to go snorkeling at Hanauma Bay. However, it’s so popular that we would have to get up very early (which we are not willing to) in order to find a parking space. As a result, we decided to wake up without alarms. After a cozy brunch and a quick swim at Waikiki Beach, we headed to Diamond Head.


Our brunch | 我们的早午餐
The Royal Hawaiian hotel
Aerial view of Diamond Head, taken on the return flight. | 回西雅图的飞机上拍的钻石山

The hike was relatively easy. We were on the top after a while.

Diamond Head Lighthouse
Stunning view of the Ocean, Waikiki beach and Honolulu | 从山顶远眺太平洋,威基基海滩和檀香山市区

Day 4: Kualoa Ranch | 古兰尼牧场

We got up early this day (because we had to) and arrived at the Kualoa Ranch just in time.


We purchased a package including:


After the tour at the ranch, we spent our final Hawaiian afternoon at Lanikai Beach.


Day 5: Paradise ✈️ Reality | 理想 ✈️ 现实

… back to the cold reality.

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