Gold Creek Pond is set to be closed for up to 10 years, starting 2025. We have visited it once, but never in winter. We took what might be the last chance to visit it before too late. Gold Creek Pond被一些西雅图当地华人戏称为小九寨,2025年起将关闭可能长达10年。在2025年的前一天,我们抓住最后的机会见识了雪后的“西雅图小九寨”。
Victoria’s Secret Uncovered | 维多利亚没有秘密
The best destination for Independence Day of US may be outside of it.
📷🏔New Spot to Shoot Mt. Rainier | 打卡雷尼尔新机位
When the weekend happens to be a sunny one, you know that nothing can stop Seattleites from going outdoors. We explored another spot for photo shooting Mt. Rainier – Lake Tapps Park.
🌌 Aurora in Seattle | 家门口看极光
Seeing aurora for the first time in my life.
🥶 Frozen Falls 🧊
Snoqualmie Falls is freezing!
Moms’ Trip | 妈妈们的探亲之旅
Our moms are visiting us for the first time since 2019. We took them around Greater Seattle area and San Diego.
⛰ The Other Side of Mt. Rainier | 雷尼尔的另一面
We took a ride on Mt. Rainier Gondola at Crystal Mountain, for a view from northeast of Mt. Rainier…
PNW Coast Trip | 西北太平洋海岸之旅
Our first trip ever to the coast of Pacific Northwest.